SMS Banking | Help & Support | OCBC Singapore

Help And Support

Phone and SMS Banking - SMS Banking

Frequently asked questions
  • Services Available

    Please send the SMS request from the mobile number you registered with us. Send the request to 72323 (local) or +65 9327 2323 (overseas).

    Services SMS Format One-Time Password
    (OTP) Required?
    Card Activation Activate your Credit or Debit Card
    ACT space <NRIC/Passport> space <Last 4 digits of card number> to 72323

    Example : ACT S7612345X 1234

    Activate your ATM Card
    AEC space <NRIC/Passport> space <Last 4 digits of card number> to 72323

    Example : AEC S7612345X 1234

    Activate your card for overseas ATM Cash withdrawal ATM space <NRIC/Passport> space <Last 4 digits of card number> space <start date in DDMMYY> space <end date in DDMMYY> space activate to 72323

    Example: ATM S7612345X 1234 230917 231017 activate

    Deactivate your card for overseas ATM Cash withdrawal ATM space <NRIC/Passport> space <Last 4 digits of card number> space deactivate to 72323

    Example: ATM S7612345X 1234 deactivate
    Activate the magnetic stripe on your card MAG space <NRIC> space <last 4 digits of card number> space <start date in DDMMYY> space <end date in DDMMYY> activate to 72323

    Example : MAG S7612345X 1234 230917 231017 activate

    Deactivate magnetic stripe on your card  MAG space <NRIC/Passport> space <last 4 digits of card no> space deactivate to 72323

    Example: MAG S7612345X 1234 deactivate 

    Balance Enquiry

    (excludes SGD/Foreign Currency Fixed Deposits)
    BAL space <NRIC> space <last 6 digits of account>

    Example : BAL S7612345X 123456

    To check on your credit card latest statement outstanding balance BAL space <NRIC> space <last 4 digits of card>

    Example : BAL S7612345X 1234

    Check last 5 Transactions on your Saving/Current Account LAST space <NRIC> space <last 6 digits of account number>

    Example : LAST S7612345X 123456

    Check last 5 Transactions on your Credit Card LAST space <NRIC> space <last 4 digits of card>

    Example : LAST S7612345X 1234

    Find the nearest branch location FIND space <my location>

    Example : FIND Jurong

    List the account numbers of your Products Holding

    [returns only last 8 digits of card number or 6 digits of account number]

    Example : LIST S7612346X

    Request for Temporary Limit Increase TEMP space <NRIC> space <last 4 digits of credit card number> space <desired total limit> space <reason: travel, marriage, medical or other> space <duration in months>

    Example : TEMP S7612345X 1234 10000 TRAVEL 2

    Request for a list of SMS Banking Services MENU

    Registration of mobile number
    REGM <space> N<IC > <space> Last 6 digits of account number

    Example: "REGM S1234567A 123456"

    Registration of NRIC
    REGN <space> NRIC <space> last 6 digits of account number <space>

    Example: "REGN S1234567A 123456"

    Registration of child's Birth Certificate
    REGN <space> parent's NRIC <space> last 6 digits of joint account number <space> child's birth certificate number

    Example: "REGN S1234567A 123456 T1234567B"

    This SMS registration is only valid for joint accounts such as OCBC Mighty Savers Account® and OCBC Child Development Account. It is not applicable for OCBC MyOwn Account. For SMS registration for OCBC MyOwn Account, please take the first 2 options instead.

    Amendment of account number/PayNow name linked to mobile number
    CHGM <space> NRIC <space> last 6 digits of account number <space> PayNow Name

    Example: “CHGM S1234567A 654321 John”

    Amendment of account number/PayNow Name linked to NRIC
    CHGN <space> NRIC <space> last 6 digits of account number <space> PayNow Name

    Example: “CHGN S1234567A 654321 John”

    Amendment of a proxy registered to the child's Birth Certificate
    CHGC <space> parent's NRIC <space> last 6 digits of joint account number <space> child's birth certificate number

    Example: "CHGC S1234567A 987654 T1234567B"

    Deregistration of mobile number
    DREM <space> NRIC

    Example: “DREM S1234567A”

    Deregistration of NRIC
    DREN <space> NRIC

    Example: “DREN S1234567A”

    Deregistration of a proxy to the child's Birth Certificate
    DREN <space> parent's NRIC <space> child's birth certificate number

    Example: "DREN S1234567A T1234567B"

    Enquiry of mobile number registration
    ENQM <space> NRIC

    Example: “ENQM S1234567A”

    Enquiry of NRIC registration
    ENQN <space> NRIC

    Example: “ENQN S1234567A”

    Enquiry of the proxy registered to the child’s Birth Certificate
    ENQN <space> parent's NRIC <space> child's birth certificate number

    Example: "ENQN S1234567A T1234567B"

  • Eligibility

    You must

    1. Be a NRIC holder with registered with us
    2. Hold at least one of the following accounts:
      1. Savings Account
      2. Current Account
      3. Personal credit card holder (excluding business/ corporate cards)
    3. Have your mobile number registered with us and sign up for SMS OTP authentication.
  • Update mobile phone number for SMS OTP (one-time password)