Online Investments | Help & Support | OCBC Bank

Help And Support

OCBC Digital Banking - Online Investments

Frequently asked questions
  • Blue Chip Investment Plan (BCIP)

    How do I access the BCIP page on Online Banking?

    1. Login to OCBC Online Banking via

    2. In the top menu, select “Investments & trading” -> “Blue Chip Investment Plan”

    Who can assist me if I have further enquiries regarding BCIP?

    Please visit our website for details on the plan. If you have further enquiries regarding the BCIP features or application process, you may call our hotline at 1800 363 3333.

  • Unit Trust

    Fees and charges

    1. What are the fees and charges when I invest in Unit Trust through OCBC Internet Banking and OCBC app?

      Upfront sales charge:

      The upfront sales charge that you will be paying will be shown on the screens when you buy a fund.


      • If upfront sales charge for investing online is 0.88%
      • Your investment amount: S$1,000
      • Your net investment amount
        = $1,000 - ($1,000 x 0.88%) = $1,000 - $8.80 = $991.20

      Platform fees:

      You do not pay platform fees when you keep your Unit Trust holdings with OCBC.

      All other fees:
      All related fund fees paid to the fund manager are stated in the fund factsheet and prospectus. These fees will be factored into the value of the fund. You will have to pay these fees in addition to your investment amount. OCBC does not charge any other fees other than the upfront sales charge.

    2. Are there any fees for selling a fund online?
      OCBC does not charge any fees for selling a fund.

    Buying a Unit Trust

    1. Why am I not able to see my holdings after I have bought a Unit Trust?

      When you buy a unit trust fund, trades are aggregated and sent to the fund house for settlement. You will only see the units allocated to you once the trades are settled. This will take generally 3-8 business days. We will inform you through SMS and/or email once your trade is settled.

    2. How does a Monthly Investment Plan work? What are the charges involved?
      If you have subscribed to a Monthly Investment Plan, we will help you automatically invest into the unit trust on the 15th of every month. If the 15th is a non-business day, it will be processed on the last business day before the 15th of the month. You will be charged the same recurring sales charge for every successful investment into the fund.


      20th July 2023. Subscribed to a Monthly Investment Plan of $500; with end date on January 2024 at 1.5% sales charge.

      Starting from August: We will help you invest $492.50 (after 1.5% sales charge) into the fund on the 15th of every month until January 2024. The number of units allocated to your holdings will be dependent on the unit price at the time of settlement.

      To ensure that the units are allocated on time, please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your deposit account for the GIRO deduction to take place.

    3. I have subscribed to a Monthly Investment Plan, when will this take effect?
      Your monthly plan will start the next month if you submit your subscription instructions before 9pm on the last business day of the current month.

      Example 1:

      You subscribed to a monthly plan on 20th December 2023, 1pm. Your monthly investment plan will only start from January 2024.

      Example 2:

      You subscribed to a monthly plan on 31st December 2023, 10pm. Your monthly investment plan will only start from February 2024.

    4. I do not have a Unit Trust account with OCBC, can I still buy a unit trust?

      Yes, we will set up a Unit Trust account when you buy a Unit Trust through Internet Banking or OCBC app. You will need a Current/ Savings Account or Time Deposit opened after 2007 as a reference account.
    5. Can I buy a Unit Trust using my CPF or SRS money?

      Yes, you can buy a Unit Trust using CPF or SRS. Please ensure that your CPF or SRS account is opened with OCBC.
    6. What is the Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA)?

      Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA) assesses if you have the relevant knowledge or experience to understand the risks and features of Specified Investment Products (SIPs) before buying independently. CKA is only valid for 1 year. If your previous assessment was done more than a year ago, you will have to do the assessment again.
    7. I am interested to buy funds but I have not satisfied the requirements for the Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA). What shall I do?

      You may still buy a fund with advice from our financial advisors at our branches. Please provide your contact details by clicking the “Have us contact you” form. We will contact you within 3 business days.
    8. What is the minimum amount I need to buy a Unit Trust on OCBC Online Banking?

      There are 2 modes of investment – (i) One time, (ii) Monthly Investment Plan. For One time investments, minimum amount is S$1000 while the minimum amount for a Monthly Investment Plan is S$100 per month.
    9. What is an indicative price?

      An indicative price is an estimate of the Unit Trust unit price. Your Unit Trust investment will be cleared at the day’s closing price which is determined by the fund house. OCBC does not determine the fund unit price.
    10. How will I be updated of the status of my purchase?

      If you have successfully submitted a purchase request, we will inform you of the status of your purchase via SMS and/or email twice. The first update will be provided when we receive your purchase request, and the second update will be provided when your request to purchase is successful. Please ensure that you have opted in to be notified of these updates using the “Manage e-alerts settings” on Internet Banking.

    Selling a fund

    1. I have sold my Fund A holdings. However, I cannot sell my Fund B holdings.

      Not all funds can be sold online. You may proceed to any of our branches to submit your redemption instructions. Please ensure that you have a valid OCBC Current or Savings Account (for cash trades) to credit your proceeds.

    Amendment and termination of Monthly Investment Plan

    1. When can I amend or stop my Monthly Investment Plan?You may choose to amend or stop your monthly plan 1 day after the subscription of the plan online. If you wish to amend or stop the plan on the day of subscription, you may proceed to our branches to submit your instructions.
    2. I have made an amendment to my monthly plan, when will this take effect?

      The amendment to your monthly plan will take effect the next month if you submit your amendment instruction before 9pm on the last business day of the current month.

      Example 1:

      You submitted an amendment instruction on 2nd December 2023 at 6pm. Your latest amendment instructions will take effect from January 2024 onwards.

      Example 2:

      You submitted an amendment instruction on 31st December 2023 at 10pm. Your latest amendment instructions will take effect from February 2024 onwards.

    3. I have stopped my Monthly Investment Plan; will funds still be deducted from my account the next month?

      You will not be debited for the subscription amount the next month if you stop your monthly investment plan before 9pm on the last business day of the current month.

    Disclaimer: The above FAQ is for your information only. For full terms and conditions and further details, please refer to the following (the “Terms”):

    (1) Terms and Conditions of OCBC Investment Services and Terms and Conditions Governing OCBC Investment Products and Services

    In the event of any inconsistency between this FAQ and the Terms, the Terms will prevail.

  • Integration of the OCBC Digital app into OCBC Mobile Banking app on 16 December 2019

    Integration of the OCBC Digital App into OCBC Mobile Banking app

    We have refreshed and revamped the OCBC Mobile Banking app to provide you with a seamless investment and banking experience. We are now pleased to announce the new generation of digital wealth management functionalities – available on the OCBC Digital App – you can enjoy through the OCBC Mobile Banking app. With easy access to your accounts and holdings at a glance and making investments on the go, wealth management has never been simpler.

    As such, the OCBC Digital App will be discontinued on 16 December 2019 and all its investment features will be integrated into the new OCBC Mobile Banking app for your convenience.

    What new investment features are available on the OCBC Mobile Banking app?
    Alongside the capabilities on the OCBC Mobile Banking app, you can now have full control of your finances in one place:

    1. Access investment ideas, market updates and thematic articles from OCBC investment experts
    2. Invest in unit trusts, blue chip shares and Singapore Government Securities
    3. Track and manage your investments anytime, anywhere
    4. Flexibly set price alerts to get the latest news and views concerning how market events may impact your holdings

    If I previously bought unit trusts via the OCBC Digital App, will I still be able to see and access these holdings?
    Yes, if you previously bought unit trusts via the OCBC Digital App, your holdings will be reflected in the OCBC Mobile Banking app.

    How can I buy or sell unit trusts via the OCBC Mobile Banking app?
    Open the app and tap on Manage wealth > ‘Buy and Sell our selected funds’

    Select a fund, read through the fund details then click ‘Login to Buy’.


    Log in and go to menu on the left > Invest > Unit Trust.

    Select a fund, read through the fund details then click ‘Proceed to Buy’.

    I do not have a unit trust account. Can I buy unit trusts via the OCBC Mobile Banking app?

    Yes, you can buy unit trusts via the app. We will set up a unit trust account for you instantly.

    How can I view my portfolio?

    Log into the OCBC Mobile Banking app and tap on What you have on the main page, your holdings will be reflected under Investments in your account overview.Similarly, your unit trusts can be seen and managed via OCBC Internet Banking.