Silver Years Health Plans | Continuous Full Coverage & Protection

Protect your Silver Years
and every moment in between


With longer life expectancy and rising healthcare costs, it's essential that your Silver Years get a healthy start. Silver Years will help assess your health insurance and lifestyle to ensure you're fully covered and well-protected.

But most importantly, eat healthy, sleep well, and exercise regularly.

Get started with us

Articles and Guides
  • How to Improve Your Life as an Older Diabetic Adult

  • Recognising warning stroke symptoms and signs

  • Why You Should Consider Home Care

  • 3 Signs of Caregiver’s Burnout

Important notices

Wealth Product Disclaimers

Terms and Conditions apply. This is for general information and does not take into account your particular investment and protection aims, financial situation or needs. You should seek advice from a financial adviser before committing to a purchase. Otherwise, you should consider the suitability of the product. Insurance plans are provided by The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited. This is not a contract of insurance. The precise terms and conditions of the insurance plans are specified in the policy contract. Buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value payable, if any, may be less than the total premiums paid.

A copy of the prospectus of the fund is available and may be obtained from the fund manager or its approved distributors. Potential investors should read the prospectus for details before deciding whether to subscribe for, or purchase units in the fund. The value of the units in the funds and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise. Payouts are not guaranteed and may be changed at the fund manager's discretion without prior notice. Please refer to the prospectus for the name of the fund manager and the investment objectives. OCBC Bank, its related companies, their respective directors and/or employees (collectively "Related Persons") may or might have in the future interests in the investment products or the issuers mentioned herein. Such interests include effecting transactions in such investment products, and providing broking, investment banking and other financial services to such issuers. OCBC Bank and its Related Persons may also be related to, and receive fees from, providers of such investment products.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Important notes for PA Supreme

The above is for general information only. It is not a contract of insurance. It does not constitute an offer to buy an insurance product or service. It is also not intended to provide any insurance or financial advice. This document does not take into account your particular investment and protection aims, financial situation or needs. Please ask a financial adviser for advice about whether the insurance product is suitable for you before you commit to buying the product. If you choose not to get advice from a financial adviser, you should consider whether the product is suitable for you. If you decide that the policy is not suitable after purchasing it, you may terminate the policy in accordance with the free look provision, if any, and the insurer  may recover from you any expense incurred by the insurer in underwriting the policy. The precise terms and conditions of the plans are specified in the insurance policy contract. It is usually detrimental to replace an existing accident and health plan with a new one. A penalty may be imposed for early plan termination and the new plan may cost more, or have less benefits at the same cost. PA Supreme is underwritten by Great Eastern General Insurance Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Great Eastern Holdings Limited and member of the OCBC Group. PA Supreme is not a bank deposit or obligation of, or guaranteed by OCBC Bank.

No representation or warranty whatsoever (including without limitation any representation or warranty as to accuracy, usefulness, adequacy, timeliness or completeness) in respect of any information (including without limitation any statement, figures, opinion, view or estimate) provided herein is given by OCBC Bank and it should not be relied upon as such. OCBC Bank does not undertake an obligation to update the information or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. All information presented is subject to change without notice. OCBC Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly or indirectly howsoever in connection with or as a result of any person acting on any information provided herein.

Policy Owners' Protection SchemeThe insurance plans are protected under the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the Life Insurance Association (LIA) or SDIC websites ( or