See how this number is calculated
The following assumptions are used in the calculation of the retirement graph:
General disclaimer on Cost
The OCBC Retirement Planner is designed to illustrate the estimated amount required at retirement age to achieve retirement goals based on information provided by you and does not consider your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. The illustration shall not be regarded as recommendation or advice by the Bank. The amount calculated is based on the assumptions below. Actual costs / figures / rate may vary depending on economic conditions. The information and analysis provided by these tools are based on various assumptions, which are subject to change at any time without notice.
Inflation rate
Inflation rate is based on a 10-year geometric average of the Singapore CPI (Consumer Price Index).
Source: Statistics Singapore - Time series on CPI (2015 = 100) & Inflation rate (Year 1980 to 2016)
Goal amount
This is the estimated amount required at retirement age to achieve your goal. It is calculated based on inflation-adjusted expected expenses, net of expected income.
All investments (E.g. Endowments, Unit Trusts) are assumed to be liquidated at start of retirement.
Regular endowments upon maturity are invested in lump sum endowments with similar rate of return. For Unit Trust, the dividends are assumed to be re-invested.
Savings / Investment growth rate
The following growth rates have been used for each of the below savings/ investment types:
- Lump sum cash & deposit: 0.33%
- Monthly savings: 0.55%
- Investments: 5%
- Endowments: 2.5%
- SRS: 0.05%
Projected value of savings / investments
This is the sum of the projected values of current value of savings / investments and regular savings / investments set aside for the goal using the respective growth rates.
See how this number is calculated
The following assumptions are used in the calculation of the child’s education graph:
General disclaimer on Cost
The OCBC Education Planner is designed to illustrate potential future education costs based on information provided by you and does not consider your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. The illustration shall not be regarded as recommendation or advice by the Bank.
The amount calculated is meant to illustrate combined tuition and living expenses based on the assumptions below. Actual cost may vary depending on economic conditions. The information and analysis provided by these tools are based on various assumptions, which are subject to change at any time without notice.
Number of years to university
The age of university studies is assumed at 19 years old for girls and boys, except for Singaporean and Permanent Resident boys for whom the age of university studies is assumed at 21 years old due to 2 years of National Service commitment.
First-year average tuition cost
First-year average tuition cost is based on the average of latest first-year General and Medicine degree costs released by three sampled universities for each country:
- USA (Private): Stanford University, Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania.
- USA (State): University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of California, Berkeley (General only).
- Canada: University of Toronto, McGill University and the University of British Columbia (General only).
- United Kingdom: University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and the Imperial College London.
- Australia: University of Melbourne, University of Sydney and University of Queensland.
- New Zealand: University of Auckland, University of Otago and Victoria University of Wellington (General only).
- Singapore: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University (General only).
Inflation rate
Inflation rate for tuition and living costs is based on 10-year geometric averages published by the statistics bureau for each country:
- USA: Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI for Education and All, from 2006 - 2016.
- Canada: Statistics Canada CPI for Education and All, from 2006 - 2016.
- United Kingdom: Office for National Statistics data CPI for Education and All, from 2006 - 2016.
- Australia: Australian Bureau of Statistics CPI for Education and All, from 2006 - 2016.
- New Zealand: Statistics New Zealand CPI for Education and All, from 2006 - 2016.
- Singapore: Yearbook of Statistics Singapore 2016 CPI Education & Stationery, Tuition Fees for Polytechnics & Local Universities, and All from 2006 - 2016. Statistics Singapore - Time Series on CPI (2015=100) & Inflation Rate (Year 1980 - 2016).
Foreign exchange rate basis
Based on average exchange rates published by using interbank +1%, from 1 Jan 2016 to 1 Nov 2017.
Goal amount
This is the estimated amount required at start of university age. It is calculated based on inflation-adjusted tuition costs and living costs.
All investments (E.g. Endowments, Unit Trusts) are assumed to be liquidated at start of university.
Regular endowments upon maturity are assumed to be invested in lump sum endowments with similar rate of return. For Unit Trust, the dividends are assumed to be re-invested.
Savings / Investment growth rate
The following growth rates have been used for each of the below savings / investment types:
- Lump sum cash & deposit: 0.33%
- Monthly savings: 0.55%
- Investments: 5%
- Endowments: 2.5%
Projected value of savings / investments
This is the sum of the projected values of current value of savings / investments and regular savings / investments set aside for the goal using the respective growth rates.
Expected monthly expenses at retirement
This may include food, utilities, travel, transportation etc. Enter in today's value and we will factor in inflation for you.
Estimated CPF LIFE monthly payout
Your monthly CPF LIFE payout you will receive from age 65 onwards will be based on:
- the premium you paid to join CPF LIFE
- Basic retirement sum (BRS)
- Full retirement sum (FRS)
- Enhanced retirement sum (ERS)
- the type of CPF LIFE plan
- Standard plan (default) – Higher level monthly payouts
- Basic plan – Lower monthly payouts with a legacy option
- Escalating plan – Protection against rising cost of living, monthly payouts that start lower but increase by 2% yearly
Estimated monthly payout for life from age 65 onwards (SGD):
Year that members reach age 55 |
2024 |
2025 |
2026 |
2027 |
Retirement sums at age 55 |
$102,900 |
$106,500 |
$110,200 |
$114,100 |
$205,800 |
$213,000 |
$220,400 |
$228,200 |
$308,700 |
$426,000 |
$440,800 |
$456,400 |
Estimated monthly payouts provided by retirement sums at age 65 |
$900 |
$930 |
$950 |
$980 |
$1,670 |
$1,730 |
$1,780 |
$1,840 |
$2,450 |
$3,330 |
$3,440 |
$3,550 |
The table above provides you with the estimate CPF LIFE monthly payout a male member will receive in retirement based on the retirement sum set aside at age 55 under CPF LIFE Standard Plan.
Note: These monthly payouts are estimates computed as of 2024. Payout may also be adjusted to account for long-term changes in interest rates or life expectancy. Such adjustments (if any) are expected to be small and gradual.
Your CPF monthly payouts would depend on factors such as your gender, age, Retirement Account (RA) Savings used to join CPF LIFE, the CPF LIFE plan type you choose, CPF interest rates and mortality rates.
For more comprehensive details, visit CPF Board.
Other expected monthly income
when you retire
This may include rental income, allowance or payout from existing bonds.