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38 Portfolios
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You can also invest through the OCBC app (available on Apple App Store).
You can also invest through the OCBC app (available on Google Play and Huawei AppGallery).
Important notices
Terms and conditions
Important notices General Disclaimer
Collective Investment Schemes
Global Equities Disclaimer
General Disclaimer
This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
- Any opinions or views of third parties expressed in this document are those of the third parties identified, and do not represent views of Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (“OCBC Bank”, “us”, “we” or “our”).
- This information is intended for general circulation and / or discussion purposes only. It does not consider the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person.
- Before you make an investment, please seek advice from your Relationship Manager regarding the suitability of any investment product taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs.
- If you choose not to do so, you should consider if the investment product is suitable for you, and conduct your own assessments and due diligence on the investment product.
- We are not making an offer, solicit to buy or sell or subscribe for any security or financial instrument, enter into any transaction or participate in any trading or investment strategy with you through this document. Nothing in this document shall be deemed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell or subscribe for any security or financial instrument or to enter into any transaction or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy.
- No representation or warranty whatsoever in respect of any information provided herein is given by OCBC Bank and it should not be relied upon as such. OCBC Bank does not undertake an obligation to update the information or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. All information presented is subject to change without notice.
- OCBC Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly or indirectly howsoever in connection with or as a result of any person acting on any information provided herein.
- Investments are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The information provided herein may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or future performance of countries, assets, markets or companies. Actual events or results may differ materially. Past performance figures, predictions or projections are not necessarily indicative of future or likely performance.
- Any reference to a company, financial product or asset class is used for illustrative purposes and does not represent our recommendation in any way.
- The information in and contents of this document may not be reproduced or disseminated in whole or in part without the Bank’s written consent.
- OCBC Bank, its related companies, and their respective directors and/or employees (collectively “Related Persons”) may, or might have in the future, interests in the investment products or the issuers mentioned herein. Such interests include effecting transactions in such investment products, and providing broking, investment banking and other financial services to such issuers. OCBC Bank and its Related Persons may also be related to, and receive fees from, providers of such investment products.
- You must read the Offer Document/Indicative Term Sheet/Product Highlight Sheet before deciding whether or not to purchase the investment product, copies of which may be obtained from your relationship manager.
- Any hyperlink to any third party article, or other website or webpage (including any websites or webpages owned, operated and maintained by third parties) is for informational purposes only and for your convenience only and is not an endorsement or verification of any such article, website or webpage by OCBC Bank and should only be accessed at your own risk. OCBC Bank does not review the contents of any such articles, website or webpage, and shall not be liable to any person for the same.
- There are links or hyperlinks which link you to websites of other third parties (the “Third Parties”). OCBC Bank hereby disclaims liability for any information, materials, products or services posted or offered on the website of the Third Parties.
Exchange Traded Funds Disclaimer
OCBC RoboInvest primarily invest in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), although on occasion it may invest in other Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) such as Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs). For the purposes of these terms, these are collectively referred to under the term ETFs.
- The prices of the underlying investments of the ETFs will vary according to the markets on which these are listed or traded;
- Dividend growth is not guaranteed, nor are companies in which you invest obliged to pay dividends;
- Underlying assets may decline in value;
- ETFs on overseas markets may involve different risks to ETFs issued in Singapore;
- As with all funds, ETFs may be suspended from trading due to the closure of the underlying market or due to the winding down of the fund.
Collective Investment Schemes
- A copy of the prospectus of each fund is available and may be obtained from the fund manager or any of its approved distributors. Potential investors should read the prospectus for details on the relevant fund before deciding whether to subscribe for, or purchase units in the fund.
- The value of the units in the funds and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise. Please refer to the prospectus of the relevant fund for the name of the fund manager and the investment objectives of the fund.
- Investment involves risks. Past performance figures do not reflect future performance.
- Any reference to a company, financial product or asset class is used for illustrative purposes and does not represent our recommendation in any way.
For funds that are listed on an approved exchange, investors cannot redeem their units of those funds with the manager, or may only redeem units with the manager under certain specified conditions. The listing of the units of those funds on any approved exchange does not guarantee a liquid market for the units.
Global Equities Disclaimer
- Dividend growth is not guaranteed, nor are companies in which you invest obliged to pay dividends;
- Companies may go bankrupt rendering the original investment valueless;
- Equity markets may decline in value;
- Corporate earnings and financial markets may be volatile;
- If there is no recognised market for equities, then these may be difficult to sell and accurate information about their value may be hard to obtain;
- Smaller company investments may be difficult to sell if there is little liquidity in the market for such equities and there may be substantial differences between the buying price and the selling price;
- Equities on overseas markets may involve different risks to equities issued in Singapore;
- With regards to investments in overseas companies, foreign exchange rates may move in an unfavourable direction affecting adversely the valuation of investments in base currency terms.
The risk categorisations are based on 5 year standard deviation levels of the individual portfolios. Standard deviation is used as an indicator of market volatility. The greater the value, the more unpredictable the price action could be and the higher the risk.