The green tech series: China’s green tech dominance | OCBC Singapore
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The green tech series: China’s green tech dominance

The green tech series: China’s green tech dominance

  • July 2024
  • By Amundi Asset Management
  • 10 mins read

In the era of global climate action, the imperative to shift towards sustainable development has never been more pressing. At the heart of this transformation is the need for significant investment in green technologies, innovations supporting reduction of environmental footprint, enhancing energy efficiency, and fostering a sustainable future. While the quest for green technology development is a global endeavour, Asia, led by China, stands at the vanguard of this movement, pioneering in both the adoption of these technologies and the crucial financing mechanisms that enable their growth.

Asia, and particularly China, has been propelled to the forefront of global green technology leadership through strategic investments, robust industrial policies and green tech roadmaps, and significant financial commitments. Asian nations are now directing their attention towards the future of green technology, including areas such as green steel, biofuels and green hydrogen. By emulating their historical success, these countries aim to maintain their status as global leaders in the green technology sector, aligning with their ambitious climate objectives.

Leadership on electric vehicles (EVs)
China is the largest market of EVs, accounting for 60% of the 10.5 million global EV sales in 2022. The share of China’s EV sales is expected to remain above 50% even as the expected global EV sales surges to 27 million2 in 2026.

Chinese manufacturers are now implementing measures, such as China Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulation limiting usage of hazardous substances in electronic products or the standard for pollution control on hazardous waste storage, to limit the carbon footprint during the production process and along the supply chain.

Fast-growing renewable technologies: Solar photovoltaics and wind power
In late 2020, China set out a roadmap to increase the total installed capacity of wind and solar to 1,200 gigawatts (GW) by 2030. In 2023, China commissioned as much solar PV as the entire world did in 2022, and the solar PV alone accounted for three-quarters of renewable capacity additions worldwide, which increased by almost 50% to nearly 510GW in 2023. China also accounts for 95% of announced global N-type solar cell capacity, using phosphorus during manufacturing, making it a more efficient technology compared to P-type solar panels.

How much is 1200GW?
According to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, on average French households consumed a little more than 4500kWh of electricity per year in 2020, meaning that 1GWh approximately corresponds to the overall electricity consumption of 220 households each year. 1200GW would therefore allow to power around 264,000 French households in a year.

The newly installed wind power capacity has reached 75.9GW, accounting for over 60% of the expected global wind capacity additions in 2023.

Emerging green technologies: Sodium battery
Sodium battery is a type of rechargeable battery used as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries for energy storage, used in most personal electronics such as cell phones and EVs. They have the potential to be a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. The global sodium-ion battery market size was exhibited at US$0.86bn (approximately S$1.16bn) in 2022 and is projected to hit around US$4.8bn (approximately S$6.5bn) by 2032 with a registered annual growth rate of 19%. Over 100GWh of manufacturing capacity of sodium-ion batteries either currently operating or announced, is almost all in China1. The "White Paper on the Development of China's Sodium Ion Battery Industry (2023)" forecasts that the industry will have a dedicated mass production line capacity of 13.5GWh for sodium-ion batteries by the end of 2023, and the sodium-ion batteries shipments will reach 347GWh by 2030.

BYD, the Chinese electric-car maker, established its sodium-ion batteries production base in Xuzhou. Its sodium battery is installed on the A00-class car model Seagull in the fourth quarter of 2023. The sodium battery version is expected to sell for RM$60,000 (approximately S$11,200) and has a cruising range of 300km. The largest application area will be energy storage.

1International Energy Agency, Global EV Outlook 2023
2BloombergNEF, Electric Vehicle Outlook 2024
3Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, Standard for pollution control on hazardous waste storage
4Reuters, China aims to push wind and solar capacity beyond 1,200 GW by 2030
5International Energy Agency, renewables 2023, Analysis and Forecasts to 2028
6Wood MacKenzie, How will China’s expansion affect global solar module supply chains?
7Ceva Logistics, Gigawatt Hour
8STCN, 2023年风电装机创历史新高,国内多地海上风电项目加速推进,装机量有望快速增长,电气风电股东增持次数居于行业首位
9International Energy Agency, Renewable electricity capacity additions by technology and segment, 2016-2028
10Precedence Research, Sodium-Ion Battery Market
11Shanghai Securities Network, 研究机构:2025年前钠离子电池主要应用场景为小动力

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