Time Deposit
Grow your savings in your preferred currency
Save and earn interest up to 2.25% a year in your preferred currency
Before you apply
Deposit requirements
Minimum placement amount
30,000 SGD
Submit your instructions online – no visit to a branch needed!
Here are the following requests you can submit online:
- Make a withdrawal before maturity
- Change your maturity instructions, once a placement matures, to:
- Renew the principal and interest;
- Renew the principal and withdraw the interest; or
- Withdraw the principal and interest.
- Renew a placement at the promotional rate once it matures
Get in touch
Enjoy greater savings with our Time Deposit account when you apply online
or visit any of our Premier Banking Centres
Foreign Currency Deposits
Foreign currency deposits are subject to exchange rate fluctuations that may provide opportunities and risks. Earnings on foreign currency deposits would be dependent on the exchanges rates prevalent at the time of their maturity if any conversion takes place. Exchange controls may be applicable from time to time to certain foreign currencies. You should therefore determine whether any foreign currency deposit is suitable for you in the light of your investment objectives, financial means and risk profile. Any pre-termination costs will be deducted from your deposit.