Singapore Dollar Time Deposit
Make your extra cash work with higher returns
Eligibility requirements
Fees and charges
Place your Singapore Dollar Time Deposits via OCBC Velocity*
Common questions
First, you must be on the Velocity Standard Package to be eligible.
Once you log into OCBC Velocity on your desktop, follow the steps below to place a Singapore Dollar Time Deposit at SGD board rates:
- Select “Accounts” in the toolbar on top
- Select “Time Deposit” in the navigation bar on the left
- Select “Place Time Deposit” on the column on the right
- Fill in TD placement details
- Viola, the SGD TD placement is successful!
You must first link your TD account to OCBC Velocity to be able to view it online.
Download the “Apply and Manage OCBC Velocity” form and complete it by following the steps below:
- Select “Manage OCBC Velocity”
- Select “Update Accounts in OCBC Velocity”
- Enter your account details
- Select the current Velocity setup of your company
- Select “Add account to OCBC Velocity”
- Select “all accounts in OCBC Velocity” if you would like to link all your business accounts to OCBC Velocity; or select “specific accounts” if you would like to link selected business accounts to OCBC Velocity
- Sign the completed form and send it back to us
Minimum amount: S$5,000
Maximum amount: S$5,000,000
*There is also a daily placement cap amount of S$5,000,000.
There are no restrictions on the number of placement tickets.
Deposit insurance scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors and monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the Supplementary Retirement Scheme are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.
SDIC Consumer Guides
Register of Insured Deposits
Download Register of Insured Deposits for more information.
Foreign Currency Time Deposits
Maximise your returns on foreign currency deposits with higher interest rates. One account with up to 10 currencies offered.
Business Growth Account
No physical contact needed, no crowd. Open your business account online and get your account number on the spot. Simple, safe and convenient.
Multi-Currency Account
Transact internationally with up to 13 major currencies. No set-up fee, no fall below fee.