Business Foreign Accounts Pricing Guide/
Account Charges 账户收费
收费Business Foreign Account
海外商业账户Multi-Currency Business Account
多币种账户Minimum initial deposit
30,000 新元US$30,000
30,000 美元Account set-up fee (One-time)
账户开立费 (一次性)US$1,200^
1,200 美元^US$1,200^
1,200 美元^Monthly Account Fee
每月账户收费S$50 per month per account. Waived for first 2 months.
每个账户每月需缴付 50新元首两个月豁免。
US$50 per month waived for the first 2 months.
每月 50美元首两个月豁免。
Transaction fee
不适用Flat fee of S$30# for telegraphic transfer via OCBC Velocity (Business Internet Banking)
For any other type of transaction, standard charges apply as per sections “Transaction Charges” & “Other Service Charges” in the following pages, unless otherwise mentioned.
汇出电汇固定收费 S$30#企业银行/企业网上银行除非另行说明否则将征收标准收费。详细收费请参看下面几页的 “交易收费”和“其他服务收费”。
Early account closure fee
提前关闭账户费S$1,000 for accounts closed within first year of opening
在开立账户第一年内关闭账户,需缴付 1,000新元
不适用Minimum day end balance to earn interest N.A.
不适用Excess fee (Incidental overdraft charge for accounts without limits)
超额收费 (无限制户头偶发透支收费)Minimum S$30 or Prime + 4.75% p.a. (whichever is higher) on the excess amount.
最少30新元 或基本利率+相等于透支金额 4.75% p.a. (取较高者)。
- AUD : Minimum AUD10 or AUD Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- CAD : Minimum CAD8 + CAD Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- CHF : Minimum CHF8 or CHF Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- DKK : Minimum DKK42 or DKK Prime Rate + 4% p.a.
- EUR : Minimum EUR6 or EUR Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- GBP : Minimum GBP4 + GBP Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- HKD : Minimum HKD40 or HKD Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- JPY : Minimum JPY750 + JPY Prime Rate + 4% p.a.
- NZD : Minimum NZD12 or NZD Prime Rate + 2% p.a.
- NOK : Minimum NOK45 or NOK Prime Rate + 4% p.a.
- SEK: Minimum SEK53 or SEK Prime Rate +4% p.a..
- USD : Minimum USD10 or USD Prime Rate + 4% p.a
(whichever is higher) on the excess amount.
- 澳元:最少$10澳元或澳元基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额2% p.a.
- 加币:最少$8加币或加币基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额2% p.a.
- 瑞郎:最少$8瑞郎或瑞郎基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额2% p.a.
- 丹麦克朗:最少$42丹麦克朗或丹麦克朗基本利率 + 相等于透支金额4% p.a.
- 欧元:最少$6欧元或欧元基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额2% p.a.
- 英镑:最少$4英镑或英镑基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额2% p.a.
- 港币:最少$40港币或港币基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额2% p.a.
- 日元:最少$750日元或日元基本利率+ 相等于透 支金额4% p.a.
- 新西兰元:最少$12新西兰元或新西兰元基本利率 + 相等于透支金额2% p.a.
- 挪威克朗:最少$45挪威克朗或挪威克朗基本利率 + 相等于透支金额4% p.a.
- 瑞典克朗:最少$53瑞典克朗或瑞典克朗基本利率 + 相等于透支金额4% p.a.
- 美元:最少$10美元或美元基本利率+ 相等于透支 金额4% p.a.
Cheque book Issuance Fee
支票簿发出费S$25 per cheque book
支票Standard charges apply. Please refer to Transaction Charges.
不适用GIRO (Payment & Collection)
财路 (付款和收款)Standard charges apply. Please refer to Transaction Charges.
不适用Service Charge
服务费Waived for first 2 months.
Thereafter, S$200 per month applies if monthly average balance falls below S$30,000.
从第三个月开始,如果每月平均结存 低于S$30,000, 需每月支付S$200。
Waived for first 2 months.
Thereafter, US$200 per month applies if monthly average balance falls below US$30,000.
Monthly average balance is determined based on aggregated balances across all currencies in one account.
首两个月豁免缴费。从第三个月开始,如果每月平均结存 低于30,000美元, 需每月支付200美元。
每月平均结存是根据一个账户中所有货币的总结存确定的。OCBC Velocity (Business Internet Banking) Token
OCBC Velocity (企业网上银行服务) 数码保安令牌/加密器Please refer to Other Service Charges for details.
Transaction fees apply.有关详细信息,请参阅其他服务收费。
提示服务Standard charges apply. 1st 3 months waived. Please refer to Other Service Charges for detailed charges.
^ The Account Set-Up Fee and Monthly Account Fee will be debited in its foreign currency equivalent from the applicable accounts. This will be done at prevailing exchange rates and will be determined by OCBC Bank at our sole discretion. The Account Set-Up Fee will be debited on the third calendar month after which the account has been opened, or such other date as may be approved by OCBC Bank from time to time at its absolute discretion.
^ 账户开立费用和每月账户费用将从相应账户中以同外币等值的金额扣除。这将按现行兑换率进行,由华侨银行自行决定。 账户开立费用将在账户开立后的第三个月扣除,或是在华侨银行自行决定批准的其他日期扣除。
# Only applicable for outward telegraphic transfer made via OCBC Velocity with charge code OUR/SHA.
# 仅适用于通过OCBC Velocity 汇出及收费代码为 OUR / SHA的电汇。
Time Deposits 定期存款
Singapore Dollar Time Deposit 新元定期存款
Minimum Initial Deposit 最低初始存款 Available Tenures 期限 Premature Termination 提前终止 S$5,000
5,000 新元1-12, 18, 24 and 36 months
(shorter tenures available for higher amounts)1-12, 18, 24 和36 个月 (较高金额可选择较短的期限)
Premature withdrawal fees applicable for withdrawal made prior to maturity.
在到期前取出金额,需要支付提前取出 的费用
Foreign Currency Time Deposit 外币定期存款
Minimum Initial Deposit 最低初始存款 Available Tenures 期限 Premature Termination 提前终止 - AUD10,000
- CAD25,000
- CHF25,000
- CNH250,000
- EUR5,000
- GBP5,000
- HKD200,000
- JPY1,000,000
- NZD10,000
- USD5,000
- 1万澳元
- 2万5000加币
- 2万5000瑞郎
- 25万境外人民币
- 5000欧元
- 5000英镑
- 20万港币
- 100万日元
- 1万新西兰元
- 5000美元
1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months
(shorter tenures available for higher amounts)1, 2, 3, 6, 9和12 个月 (较高金额可选择较短的期限)
Premature withdrawal fees applicable for withdrawal made prior to maturity.
在到期前取出金额,需要支付提前取出 的费用
Transaction Charges 交易收费
All charges, if converted into another currency, are performed at the Bank’s published foreign exchange rates.
若需转换成另一货币,所有收费将根据银行当天列出的兑换率。Cheques Deposit
收费Standard SGD Cheque Deposit Fee
支票托收费S$0.75 per cheque
每张已结算支票收费S$0.75Standard USD Cheque Deposit Fee
支票托收费USS$1.00 per cheque
Cheques Clearing
收费Standard SGD Cheque Clearing Fee*
新币支票签发*S$0.75 per cleared cheque
每张已结算支票收费S$0.75Standard USD Cheque Clearing Fee*
美元支票签发*US$1.00 per cleared cheque
每张已结算支票收费US$1.00Returned Cheques (SGD)
新币支票退票- S$50 per returned cheque due to insufficient funds.
- S$40 per returned cheque due to technical reasons.
- 因余额不足被退回的支票,每张收费S$50。
- 因技术问题开出的支票被退回,每张收费S$40。
Returned Cheques (USD)
美元支票退票US$40 per cheque (due to insufficient funds/technical reasons)
每张收费US$40 (因余额不足/技术原因而被退回的支票)Cheques Retrieval
收费Cheque Image Retrieval**
支票影像调阅**New charges with effect from (“wef”) 1 January 2023:
- S$21.60 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of cheques cleared less than 1 year ago.
- S$32.40 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of cheques cleared between 1 to 3 years ago.
- S$54.00 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of cheques cleared more than 3 years ago.
- 调阅1年之内结算的支票影像,收费S$21.60 (包含消费税)。
- 调阅结算介于1年到3年的支票影像,收费S$32.40 (包含消费税)。
- 调阅结算超过3年的支票影像,收费S$54.00 (包含消费税)。
New charges wef 1 January 2024:
- S$21.80 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of cheques cleared less than 1 year ago.
- S$32.70 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of cheques cleared between 1 to 3 years ago.
- S$54.50 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of cheques cleared more than 3 years ago.
- 调阅1年之内结算的支票影像,收费S$21.80 (包含消费税)。
- 调阅结算介于1年到3年的支票影像,收费S$32.70 (包含消费税)。
- 调阅结算超过3年的支票影像,收费S$54.50 (包含消费税)。
Stop Payment 停止付款 Charges 收费 Stop Payment (SGD)
停止付款(新元)S$30 per cheque
- via Branch/Business Service Centre
S$15 per cheque
- via Business PhoneBanking/ Business Internet Banking
- 通过分行/商业服务中心
- 通过商业电话银行/企业网上银行服务
Stop Payment (USD)
停止付款(美元)US$30 per cheque
- via Branch/Business Service Centre
US$10 per cheque
- via Business PhoneBanking/ Business Internet Banking
- 通过分行/商业服务中心
- 通过商业电话银行/企业网上银行服务
Loss of Cheque Book 遗失支票簿 Charges 收费 Loss of Cheque Book (SGD)
- Report via Branch/Business Service Centre
- Report via Business PhoneBanking/Business Internet Banking
- 通过分行/商业服务中心通报
- 通过商业电话银行/企业网上银行服务通报
Loss of Cheque Book (USD)
遗失支票簿(美元)US$30 Marked Cheques 保付支票 Charges 收费 Direct Marked Cheque1
直接保付支票1S$100 per cheque + Courier Charges (if applicable)
每张支票收费S$100+运送费(如适用)*Cheque Clearing fee refers to fee charged on a cheque that has been issued and presented to the bank for clearing.
**For each urgent cheque image retrieval (within 7 business days), an additional charge of S$21.40 (inclusive of GST) will be levied.
**每张紧急调阅的支票影像 (7个工作天内), 将征收额外S$21.40 (包括消费税) 收费。
Foreign Currency Cheques
佣金Agent Fees
代理费Commission-in-lieu of exchange2
运送/邮费Cleared Locally:
- USD Cheques Drawn on Local Clearing Participating Banks
- 美元支票,从本地参与结算的银行提取
不适用- Other Currency Cheques and USD Drawn on Non-Participating Banks
- 其他货币支票, 从本地不参与结算的银行提取美元
不适用1/8% commission (min S$30,max S$100)
1/8%佣金 (最少S$30, 最多S$100)
If applicable
不适用If applicable
如适用Sent for Overseas Clearing
- In All Currencies
- 所有货币
不适用1/8% commission (min S$30, max S$100)
1/8%佣金 (最少S$30, 最多S$100)
If applicable
不适用If applicable
如适用Inward Remittances 汇入汇款
Telegraphic Transfer 电汇 Charges 收费 Credit to SGD Account
汇入新元账户S$10 Credit to FCY Account
汇入外币账户S$10 Credit to Time Deposit
免费MEPS (MAS Electronic Payment System)
金管局电子转账系统Charges 收费 Credit to Account
免费Demand Draft 即期汇票 Drawn on OCBC Bank 从华侨银行提取 Drawn on other Banks 从其他银行提取 Credit to SGD or FCY Account
免费1/8% commission (min S$30 + Agent fees (if applicable) + postage (if applicable)
Outward RemittancesTelegraphic Transfer - OCBC Velocity (Business Internet Banking), OCBC Business app, Host-to-Host, or API Account Holder Commission Agent Fees3 Commission-in-lieu of exchange2 Cable Charge Debit from SGD Accounts S$30 If applicable, fixed fee based on remitting currency3 Waived Waived Debit from Foreign Currency Account without Foreign Exchange Debit from Foreign Currency Account with Foreign Exchange
Telegraphic Transfer - Branch/Manual Instruction Account Holder Commission Agent Fees3 Commission-in-lieu of exchange2 Cable Charge Debit from SGD Accounts Same/Third Party: 1/8% commission (min S$10, max S$100) If applicable, fixed fee based on remitting currency3 N.A. Flat fee of S$40 Debit from Foreign Currency Account without Foreign Exchange Same/Third Party: 1/8% commission (min S$10, max S$120) 1/8% commission-inlieu of exchange2 (min S$25, max S$120) Debit from Foreign Currency Account with Foreign Exchange Same/Third Party: 1/8% commission (min S$10, max S$100) N.A. Withdrawal from Foreign Currency Time Deposits Same/Third Party: 1/8% commission (min S$10, max S$100) 1/8% commission-inlieu of exchange2 (min S$25, max S$120) Flat fee of S$35
IACH (International Automated Clearing House) 全额海外转账 Account Holder 账户持有人 Charges 收费 Out-going Payments
对外付款S$30 per transaction
OCBC Network Transfer - OCBC Velocity (Business Internet Banking), OCBC Business app, Host-to-Host, or API
华侨集团汇款Description 说明
Charges 收费 Out-going Payments
对外付款S$15 per transaction
MEPS (MAS Electronic Payment System) MEPS (金管局电子转账系统) Account Holder 账户持有人 Charges 收费 Out-going Payments
Cashier’s Order 银行本票 Account Holder 账户持有人 Charges 收费 Payable to Own Name/ Third Party
支付给自己/第三方S$15 per Cashier’s Order
每张银行本票S$15Outward Remittances 汇出汇款
Demand Draft 即期汇票 Account Holder
佣金Commission-in-lieu of exchange2
邮费Debit from SGD Accounts
1/8% commission
(min S$15, max S$100)1/8%佣金 (最少S$15,最多S$100)
不适用If applicable
如适用Debit from Foreign Currency
Accounts with Foreign Exchange从外币账户中扣除 已加入兑换率
1/8% commission
(min S$10, max S$120)1/8%佣金 (最少S$10,最多S$120)
不适用If applicable
如适用Debit from Foreign Currency
Account without Foreign Exchange从外币账户中扣除 未加入兑换率
1/8% commission
(min S$10, max S$120)1/8%佣金 (最少S$10,最多S$120)
1/8% commission-in-lieu of exchange2 (min S$25, max S$120)
1/8%佣金替代兑换2 (最少S$25,最多S$120)
If applicable
如适用GIRO (Payment and Collection) and Standing Instructions 财路(付款和收款)和常设指示
Description 说明 Charges 收费 Outward GIRO
向外财路汇款S$0.20 per item
每项S$0.20Outward GIRO Return
向外财路退回S$10 per item
每项S$10Inward GIRO Return
对内财路退回- Up to 50 items: S$0.50 per item
- 51 to 200 items: S$0.70 per item
- 201 to 500 items: S$1 per item
- Above 500 items: S$1.50 per item
- 最多50项:每项S$0.50
- 51至200项:每项S$0.70
- 201至500项:每项S$1
- 超过500项:每项S$1.50
GIRO Standing Instruction
财路常设指示S$10 per transaction
每笔交易S$10FAST 转账系统
FAST (Fast And Secure Transfers) - Transfer in S$, available via OCBC Velocity (business internet banking) and Business Mobile Banking app
FAST 转账系统 - 以新元转账,仅能通过 OCBC Velocity (企业网上银行服务)和商业手机银行应用程序Account Holder 账户持有人 Charges 收费 Payment and Collection
付款和收款S$0.50 per transaction
PayNow is a new service that – via OCBC Velocity (business internet banking) or our Business Mobile Banking app – lets you:
PayNow是新电子转账服务 - 您可以通过OCBC Velocity (企业网上银行服务)和商业手机银行应用程序使用 PayNow服务:Description 说明 Charges 收费 To make payment through PayNow
使用 PayNow 付款Per transaction:
- Applicable GIRO or FAST transaction fee
- S$0.20 lookup fee* (Introductory Promotion extended: Free till 31 December 2025)
*To check if recipient has registered for PayNow
- 如同财路或FAST转账收费
- S$0.20查询费* (促销活动: 免费至2025年12月31日)
Internal Funds Transfer 华侨银行新加坡账户之间转账
Description 说明 Charges 收费 Branch / Manual Instruction
分行/ 以表格提供指示OCBC Velocity
(Business Internet Banking)
OCBC Velocity (企业网上银行服务)For funds transfer within OCBC Singapore accounts
在华侨银行新加坡账户之间转账S$15 per transaction
免费Standing Instructions (Telegraphic Transfer/MEPS) 常设指示 (电汇/金管局电子转账系统)
Description 说明 Charges 收费 Set-up Charge
Note: Standard charges apply as per section "Outward Remittances"
in this Business Banking Pricing Guide开立费用
注:标准收费如同这份商业银行收费指南(海外商业账户) 的“汇出汇款”栏目S$10 Amendment/Cancellation
更改/取消S$10 Rejected items due to insufficient funds
因资金不足个项目被拒S$30 Cancellations/Stop Payments/Amendments/Investigations 取消/停止付款/更改/接受调查
Cancellation 取消 Description
说明Charge (SGD Account)
收费(新元账户)Charge (Foreign Currency Account)
收费(外币账户)Agent Fee
代理费Cable Charge
电缆收费Cashier’s Order
银行本票S$5 per Cashier’s Order
不适用Demand Draft
即期汇票S$10 per draft
每张即期汇票S$10US$5 per draft
每张即期汇票US$5If applicable
如适用If applicable
如适用Stop Payments 停止付款 Description
说明Charge (SGD Account)
收费(新元账户)Charge (Foreign Currency Account)
收费(外币账户)Agent Fee
代理费Cable Charge
电缆收费Cashier’s Order
银行本票S$20 per Cashier’s Order
不适用Demand Draft
即期汇票S$20 per draft
每张即期汇票S$20US$10 per draft
每张即期汇票US$10If applicable
如适用If applicable
如适用Amendments/Cancellations/Investigations 取消/停止付款/更改/接受调查 Description
说明Charge (SGD Account)
收费(新元账户)Charge (Foreign Currency Account)
收费(外币账户)Agent Fee
代理费Cable Charge
电缆收费Telegraphic Transfer
不适用If applicable
如适用Flat fee of S$20
不适用Flat fee of S$20
固定收费S$20 -
Other Service Charges 其他服务收费
ATM/OCBC Business Debit Card 自动提款机/华侨银行商务借记卡
Description 说明 Card Replacement Fee/Charges 更换卡费用/收费 Lost/Stolen Card
卡遗失/失窃ATM: S$5 per card
OCBC Business Debit Card: S$20 per card提款卡:每张卡S$5
华侨银行商务借记卡:每张卡S$20Damaged Card 卡损毁 Free 免费 ATM Charges (Coin Deposit Fee)
自动提款机 (硬币存款费)S$0.012 per coin
(total fee rounded to the nearest 1 cent)每枚硬币 S$0.012 (总费舍入到最接近1分)
Sales Draft Retrieval Fee (1st copy)
(Applicable for OCBC Business Debit Card)调阅签账单手续费(第一张)
(适用于华侨银行商务借记卡)S$5 Sales Draft Retrieval Fee (Subsequent copy)
(Applicable for OCBC Business Debit Card)调阅签账单手续费(第二张及以上)
(适用于华侨银行商务借记卡)S$15 Shared ATM
使用共享自动提款机S$0.30 charge from third withdrawal onwards per calendar month
3% is levied on the S$ equivalent of the amount withdrawn (min S$5 and max S$20 per transaction)
相等于新元金额或取款的3%(每笔交易最少S$5 ,最多 S$20)
OCBC Malaysia & Bank NISP Indonesia ATMs
华侨银行马来西亚和印尼的自动提款机S$2 per transaction
每笔交易S$2Transactions (including refunds) in foreign currencies
以外币交易(包括退款)2% administrative fee + costs of conversion applies
2% 行政费+兑换成本,如适用Dynamic Currency Conversion Fee
动态货币转换收费All MasterCard transactions effected in Singapore dollars in a foreign country or on a foreign website will have an additional fee of 1% levied on the converted Singapore dollar amount.
所有在外国或海外网站购物,使用万事达卡,并以新元进行交易, 将额外收取收费,金额相等于兑换新元数额的1%。
Business Deposit Card 华侨银行商务存款卡
Description 说明 Card Issuance/Replacement Charges 发卡/更换卡收费 Card Issuance
发卡S$5 per card (Promotion extended: Free for applications before 31 December 2025)
每张卡S$5: (促销期延长:2025年12月31日之前申请免费)
Replacement of card due to lost/stolen/damaged card
因卡丢失/被盗/损坏而更换卡S$5 per card (Promotion extended: Free for applications before 31 December 2025)
每张卡S$5 (促销期延长:2025年12月31日之前申请免费eAlerts@ocbc 提示服务
Service Type 服务种类 Service Fee 服务费 Cash Alerts
现金提示S$25 per month. 1st 3 months waived.
A monthly fee of S$25 will be payable for any one of the following combinations:
- Two different accounts with one Authorised User or
- One account with two different Authorised Users or
- Account 1 for Authorised User 1 and Account 2 for Authorised User 2
A monthly fee of S$10 will be payable for each additional account or Authorised User to be alerted.
- 一个授权用户使用两个不同账户或
- 一个账户有两名授权用户或
- 授权用户1使用账户1,授权账户2使用账户2
Trade Finance Alerts
贸易融资提示S$25 per month. 1st 3 months waived.
A monthly fee of S$25 will be payable for Trade Finance eAlerts for 2 different email user addresses.
A monthly fee of S$10 will be payable for each additional Authorised User to be alerted.
Cash and Trade Finance Alerts
现金和贸易融资提示S$35 per month. 1st 3 months waived.
A monthly fee of S$15 will be payable for each additional account or Authorised User to be alerted.
OCBC Velocity (Business Internet Banking)(企业网上银行服务)
Service Package Type 服务配套种类 Charges 收费 Basic Service Package (Account Inquiry only)
- Digital token: free
- Hardware token: S$50 each
- 数码保安令牌:免费
- 加密器:每个S$50
Standard Service Package (Account Inquiry and any 1 Maker/Authoriser for transaction approvals)
标准服务配套 (账户询问和允许1名开立账户者/授权者批准交易)
- Digital token: free
- Hardware token: S$50 each
- Transaction fees apply
- 数码保安令牌:免费
- 加密器:每个S$50
- 会征收交易费
Classic Service Package (Account Inquiry and up to 2 Authorisers for transaction approvals)
经典服务配套 (账户询问和允许最多2名开立账户者/授权者批准交易)
- Digital token: free
- Hardware token: S$50 each
- Transaction fees apply
- 数码保安令牌:免费
- 加密器:每个S$50
- 会征收交易费
Flex Service Package (Account Inquiry and Complex Authorisation Controls for transaction approvals)
增值服务配套 (账户询问和加密授权者管制批准交易)
- Digital token: free
- Hardware token: S$50 each
- Transaction fees apply
- 数码保安令牌:免费
- 加密器:每个S$50
- 会征收交易费
Account and Statement Service Charges 账户和账户报表服务收费
Description/Services 说明/服务 Charges 收费 Document/Statement Retrieval Charges4
(for each monthly statement)文件/账户报表调阅收费4
(每份每月存单账户报表)Non-Borrowing Customer
- Free for the current and previous month (statement only)
- S$20 for retrieval of less than 1 year ago
- S$30 for retrieval between 1 to 3 years ago
- S$50 for retrieval of more than 3 years ago
- S$150 per month + S$150 restoration charges for statements beyond 6 years - subject to availability
Borrowing Customer
New charges wef 1 January 2023:- Free for the current and previous month (statement only)
- S$21.60 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of less than 1 year ago
- S$32.40 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals between 1 to 3 years ago
- S$54.00 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of more than 3 years ago
New charges wef 1 January 2024:
- Free for the current and previous month (statement only)
- S$21.80 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of less than 1 year ago
- S$32.70 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals between 1 to 3 years ago
- S$54.50 (inclusive of GST) for retrievals of more than 3 years ago
非银行借贷客户- 本月和前一个月(只限账户报表)免费
- 调阅1年之内账户报表,收费S$20
- 调阅介于1年到3年账户报表,收费S$30
- 调阅超过3年账户报表,收费S$50
- 调阅超过6年账户报表,收费每月S$150+ S$150修复费用,视情况而定
新收费自2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效:- 本月和前一个月(只限账户报表)免费
- 调阅1年之内账户报表,收费S$21.60(包含消费税)
- 调阅介于1年到3年账户报表,收费S$32.40(包含消费税)
- 调阅超过3年账户报表,收费S$54.00(包含消费税)
- 本月和前一个月(只限账户报表)免费
- 调阅1年之内账户报表,收费S$21.80(包含消费税)
- 调阅介于1年到3年账户报表,收费S$32.70(包含消费税)
- 调阅超过3年账户报表,收费S$54.50(包含消费税)
Audit Confirmation
审计确认S$55 per financial year confirmation
每个财政年确认S$55Letter of Reference/Foreign Endorsement
S$30 per letter
每封信S$30Letter of Reference/Foreign Endorsement
New charges wef 1 January 2023:
S$32.40 per letter (inclusive of GST)
新收费自2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效:
New charges wef 1 January 2024:
新收费自2024年 1 月 1 日起生效:S$32.70 per letter (inclusive of GST)
每封信S$32.70(包含消费税)Retrieval of MT103
调阅MT103S$5 (not subject to GST)
追踪器/调查Cable Charge
电缆收费 -
Cash Deposit/Withdrawal and Exchange Services Charges 存款/提款和兑换率服务收费
Cash Deposit/Withdrawal and Exchange Services at Teller Counter
在银行柜台进行存款/提款和兑换率服务Description 说明 Charges 收费 Coin Deposit
存放硬币S$2.00 for every 100 coins deposited or part thereof
每100枚或以下存入的硬币收费S$2.00Coin Withdrawal
提取硬币S$2.00 for every S$50 coins withdrawn or part thereof
每提取相等于S$50或以下的硬币,收费S$2.00Coin Exchange
兑换硬币S$2.00 for every S$50 changed or part thereof
每换取相等于S$50或以下的硬币,收费S$2.00Note: Our coin deposit and exchange services are available every Tuesday and Thursday during the following hours:
- 9.30am to 11.30am (Bukit Batok, Bukit Panjang, North, OCBC Centre, Sixth Avenue, Thomson)
- 3.00pm to 5.00pm (All other branches)
*Please refer to to view the list of Sunday Banking branches.
- 早上9点半到11点半 (Bukit Batok, Bukit Panjang, North, OCBC Centre, Sixth Avenue和 Thomson分行)
- 下午3点到5点(其他所有分行)
Description 说明 Charges 收费 Cash Deposit
现金存款First S$20,000 per day - free; every subsequent S$10,000 (or less) - S$20.
For faster processing of notes deposited, please follow the guidelines below. Otherwise, an additional S$50 fee will be levied.
- Sort the notes by denomination and arrange them with the front side facing up, unfolded;
- Separate the notes into paper and polymer types, then pack them using rubber bands in 100-piece bundles of the same denomination;
- Bundle loose notes (ie. fewer than 100 pieces per denomination) together, sorted by denomination, and stack them upwards from the largest-sized notes (at the bottom) to the smallest (at the top).
每天存入的首S$20,000 – 免费;接下来每笔S$10,000(或以下)存款 - S$20。
- 根据纸币面值排列,纸币前面向上,不要折叠;
- 将钱以纸币和塑料类加以区分,分成每叠100张同样面值纸币,用橡皮筋将它们捆成一包;
- 将散钱(每种面值少过100张)放在一起,根据面值分类; 根据纸币大小排列(最大张的在最 下面,最小张的在上面)。
Over The Counter Branch Transactions
(The transactions are calculated on an aggregate basis for all your bank accounts under the same customer name.)Chargeable transactions include cash deposits (including bulk cash) and withdrawal/cash cheque encashment.
S$20 per transaction
Express Bulk Cash Deposit Service (Free 30 disposable security bags* upon sign up)
Description Charges Cash Deposit
现金存款First S$30,000 per day - free; every subsequent S$10,000 (or less) - S$5.
For faster processing of notes deposited, please follow the guidelines below. Otherwise, an additional S$50 fee will be levied.
- Sort the notes by denomination and arrange them with the front side facing up, unfolded;
- Separate the notes into paper and polymer types, then pack them using rubber bands in 100-piece bundles of the same denomination;
- Bundle loose notes (ie. fewer than 100 pieces per denomination) together, sorted by denomination, and stack them upwards from the largest-sized notes (at the bottom) to the smallest (at the top).
Note: Ensure coins are packed not more than a total of S$5 worth of coins per bag.
每天存入的首S$30,000 - 免费; 接下来每笔S$10,000(或以下)存款 - S$5。
- 根据纸币面值排列,纸币前面向上,不要折叠;
- 将钱以纸币和塑料类加以区分,分成每叠100张同样面值纸币,用橡皮筋将它们捆成一包;
- 将散钱(每种面值少过100张)放在一起,根据面值分类;根据纸币大小排列(最大张的在最下面,最小张的在上面)。
OCBC Security Bag/Tag
华侨银行保安袋/标签* Small size: 257mm (W) x 305mm (L)
Disposable bag (small)
S$0.40/bag (inclusive of GST) (min. 500 bags, in multiples of 500)Disposable bag (big)
S$0.60/bag (inclusive of GST) (min. 500 bags, in multiples of 500)Reusable bag
S$70/bag (inclusive of GST)Security Tag
S$0.14/tag (inclusive of GST) (min. 1,000 tags, in multiples of 1,000)即用即扔袋(小)
每包S$0.40 (包含消费税) (最少500包,以500包为单位)即用即扔袋(大)
每包S$0.60 (包含消费税) (最少500包,以500包为单位)可重用袋
每包S$70 (包含消费税)保安标签
每个标签S$0.14 (包含消费税)(最少1000个标签,以1000个为单位)Express Bulk Cheque Deposit Service 快速存入大笔支票服务
Description Charges OCBC Security Bag/Tag
华侨银行保安袋/标签Disposable bag
S$0.40/bag (inclusive of GST) (min. 500 bags, in multiples of 500)Reusable bag
S$70/bag (inclusive of GST)Security Tag
S$0.14/tag (inclusive of GST) (min. 1,000 tags, in multiples of 1,000)即用即扔袋
每包S$0.40 (包含消费税) (最少500包,以500包为单位)可重用袋
每包S$70 (包含消费税)保安标签
每个标签S$0.14 (包含消费税)(最少1000个标签, 以1000个为单位)Deposit/Withdrawal in Foreign Currency Notes
以外币纸币存款/提款Description 说明 Cash Deposit Charges 现金存款收费 Deposit/Withdrawal in Foreign Currency Notes
以外币纸币存款/提款Minimum 1% commission-in-lieu of exchange2 (subject to availability of currency types and currency notes)
Cash Deposit via ATMs 通过自动提款机提取现金
Description 说明 Cash Deposit Charges 现金存款收费 Cash Deposit (Card-less)
现金存款(无卡)Free. Maximum 10 deposits per account per day
免费。 每个账户一天最多五笔存款Cash Deposit (with Card)
现金存款(附卡)Free. Maximum S$100,000 per account per day
免费。 每个账户一天最高S$100,000存款1 For OCBC Bank Cheques, service is not available on Sundays and Public Holidays.
2 Commission-in-lieu of exchange is applicable when there is no foreign exchange involved.
3 For Telegraphic Transfer in JPY, the fixed agent fee is applicable only for amounts up to JPY100million. For amounts more than JPY 100 million, both fixed agent fee and 3rd party bank charges are applicable.
4 Includes monthly SGD/FCY statement of account, SGD/FCY time deposit interest statements and advices, deposit/withdrawal/debit/credit vouchers. (Retrieval charges debited from FCY accounts will be based on the prevailing buying TT rate applicable.)
# Applicable to ATM and Debit Cards only.
1 只限华侨银行支票,星期天和公共假期不提供服务。
2 假设不设计兑换率,替代兑换佣金适用。
3 以日元电汇,固定代理收费只限那些存款金额达1亿日元的账户。那些超过1亿日元的账户,将征收固定代理收费和第三方银行收费。
4 包括每月新元/外币账户报表、新元/外币定期存款利率账户报表和建议、存款/提款/借记卡/信用卡券。(从外币账户扣除的调阅费将以现有的买入电汇收费作准。)
Information updated as of 1 January 2024. The fees and charges are subject to change from time to time.