
FX Contract Booking

Need an edge? It is time to hedge.

Why you will love this

Get real-time foreign exchange rates

Book the rates that work best for your business

Available 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday

Who can use

Available to all OCBC Business Banking customers through OCBC Velocity*


Lock in live FX rates!Book online now

Say hello to live Foreign Exchange (FX) rates you can lock in on OCBC Velocity

Why book your FX rates online

FX Online helps reduce the risk of currency fluctuations and uncertainty. Suitable for businesses that:

  • Import or export goods and services
  • Have foreign currency accounts
  • Send international payments
  • Want greater cash flow certainty to improve budgeting and achieve financial objectives in international markets



View FX rates in real time before you book.


Mitigate fluctuations in FX rates and book the rates that work best for your business.


Choose from 15 major currencies: USD, EUR, AUD, GBP, HKD, CNH, CHF, JPY, NZD, CAD, NOK, SEK, DKK, SGD and ZAR.


Book securely on OCBC Velocity or the OCBC Business app, 24 hours a day, from Monday to Sunday.


Get real-time foreign exchange rates and book the rates that work best for your business. In this video, we will guide you on how to book FX contracts and use them on OCBC Velocity.

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Before You Apply

Terms and conditions

*Available for Standard and Classic OCBC Velocity service packages only.
For premium packages, please contact your Relationship Manager.

1The FX contract will be reversed if it is not used on the value date, any losses incurred will be borne by you.

Ready to book?

Lock in your FX rates on OCBC Velocity

What will happen if I do not use my FX contract?

OCBC will need to sell your FX contract at the prevailing market rates. Any gains or losses will be attributed to your account.

Why am I unable to access FX contract booking?

FX contract booking is available to all OCBC Business Banking customers with an “Authoriser” entitlement via OCBC Velocity (Business Internet Banking) and the OCBC Business app. OCBC will progressively roll out this function to more customers in the future.

Why do you need to earmark my account balance for the booking of FX contract?

During the booking stage, you will need to select your bank account and OCBC will earmark a percentage of your account balance based on the value of the FX contract booked. The amount for earmarking will be displayed on screen before you confirm your FX contract booking.

We will debit/credit the remaining earmarked amount back to the same designated bank account after deducting any losses arising from potential fluctuations in the exchange rate if customers have foreign exchange transactions that remain unsettled or are outstanding past the Value Date.

I have booked an FX contract on OCBC Velocity, but I no longer require it/change my mind/want to reduce the amount. How can I cancel it?

Unfortunately, you cannot cancel a foreign exchange transaction after it is completed.


Daily Market Outlook research

Learn about key FX and rates updates from our Daily Market Outlook research, helmed by our team of in-house economists, strategists and analysts.

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