Flash this card to access priority queues and enjoy preferential treatment at our local and overseas branches
The new card comes with a security chip that keeps your money more secure. We are replacing your existing ATM card with a new Premier ATM card free of charge.
We will replace your card free-of-charge if:
Your existing card can still be used until:
All existing credit cards and debit cards are not affected
We are sending out the new chip cards in
May 2014.
You will be notified up to 2 months in advance through SMS, email or a letter before we send your new chip card.
To ensure that you receive the latest notifications from OCBC, please update your contact details with us via the following methods:
All chip cards need to be activated unless otherwise stated.
The instructions are given in the letter for more details.
You may also check out the card activation details below.
If you require more help, call us at 1800 (773 6437) or send an email to contactus@ocbc.com.
If you are overseas, call us at (65) 6530 5930.