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OCBC Bank OCBC Premier Banking
Personal Monthly Outlook
October 2016
Wealth Insights
Five Years Later, Hope For Asia
Teo Joo Wah
Teo Joo Wah
Chief Strategist
Lion Global Investors
Member of the OCBC Wealth Panel
  “Asia presents a worthwhile consideration for long-term investors, as better earnings next year will eventually be reflected in valuations. ”  
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Highlights This Month
Global Outlook
Shift in Policy Thinking
Fiscal policy should take the lead; monetary policy is exhausted
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Brace for Volatility
Extended valuations provide limited downside margin; growth likely to remain weak.
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Fed’s Delay a Boon for Credit Markets
We maintain our preference for higher quality names despite less compelling valuations.
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From Policy to Politics
The U.S. election will be the main theme as central banks take a break.
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Top Investment Ideas
Hunt for Yield Still Reigns
Michael Tan
Senior Investment Counsellor
Member of the OCBC Wealth Panel
Equity Funds • Schroder Asia Equity Yield Fund
Equity-Linked Convertible Investments • Keppel DC REIT
• Frasers Centrepoint Trust
• City Developments
• Bank of New York Mellon
Bonds • GuocoLand Limited 3.95%, 1 April 2019
Bond/Multi-Asset Funds • LionGlobal Short Duration Bond Fund
• BlackRock Global Multi-Asset Income Fund
• Schroder Asia Income Fund
• JPM Global Macro Opportunities Fund
Currencies Fed inaction leaves U.S. Dollar vulnerable for now. But we do not expect the U.S. Dollar setback to last given Fed’s readiness to hike in December.
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Unit Trust
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