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December 2020

Turbulence in China’s internet industry

Carmen Lee,
Head, OCBC Investment Research,

On 10 Nov 2020, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) released a draft soliciting public feedback on anti-trust guidelines against monopolistic practices in the internet industry.

While regulations relating to anti-trust have been rolled out over the years, this is the first time detailed guidelines specifically designed for anti-trust activities in the internet space have been mapped out.

These draft guidelines largely attempt to quantify market dominance and define monopolistic practices. Concerns over the growth trajectory of many of the listed incumbents, coupled with the rotation from growth/momentum names into value/cyclical ones, led to dislocation in the share prices of Chinese internet market leaders.

From a market concentration point of view, while the draft anti-trust regulations now give greater clarity over possible metrics that can be used to consider the level of market dominance for internet platforms (e.g. GMV, click rate), no numeric thresholds appear to be explicitly provided.

The relatively greater concern, from our point of view, is the perspective that the regulator might take on the competitive landscape within the various verticals, and this is where there is probably some differentiation in terms of impact across companies.

From a food delivery point of view, we understand that merchant exclusivity used to be one of the key battlegrounds, though we note that fewer restaurants are opting for exclusivity and tend to list on more than one platform following the pandemic.

For online games, we believe that gaming success is more dependent on game quality, rather than irrational promotions.

In our view, e-commerce is the vertical that bears greater risks arising from the draft regulations. The use of subsidies/discounts may constitute unfair competition, while strict enforcement against forced exclusivity practices, and potential impact on recommendation feeds could pose a potential headwind to e-commerce leaders.

Still, we believe that the draft rules are unlikely to cause a seismic shift in market share across the incumbents for now – merchants select platforms based on a number of considerations, and price discrimination is not prevalent in the e-commerce space, in our view.

The draft regulations are indeed comprehensive, but the key unknown, in our view, is the degree of regulatory enforcement. While a strict implementation of the rules would naturally limit market leaders’ operational flexibility, history leaves questions over how severe enforcement can get.

All considered, we believe that the operational and financial impact on major internet players under our coverage arising from the draft regulations are likely to be limited for now, even though the broader internet sector might experience a near-term share price overhang.

Major platforms are likely to still be preferred by large merchants, given their service quality, comprehensive ecosystem support, and higher user life value.

Overall, we continue to remain constructive on selected companies over the longer-term, although we acknowledge that this latest development could present relatively stiffer near-term headwinds for some players.

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