Frequently Asked Questions
This is a business decision that has been thoroughly considered by OCBC Bank.
The ez-link facility on your current card is unaffected, and can be used till your card expires. Upon receiving any new card to renew or replace your current debit card, this new card will be without the ez-link facility.
You may check the expiry date of your ez-link card at any General Ticketing Machine at the MRT stations.
Besides Buses, MRTs and Taxis, ez-link payments can also be made at retail outlets such as 7 Eleven, Shop N Save, Cold Storage, Giant, Guardian, Takashimaya, Jollibean and Spinelli Coffee Company. The full list of participating outlets can be found at
For refunds, visit any TransitLink Ticket Office and present your old card and NRIC/Passport. If the outstanding balance is less than $100, and EZ-Reload is not activated, you are entitled to an immediate refund. Otherwise, EZ-Reload has to be deactivated at the TransitLink Ticket Office with the above mentioned documents. You will have to wait 6 calendar days before you are entitled to the immediate refund. For more information, you can visit
We regret to inform you that this course of action is not possible.
Yes, you can perform a cashback at the OCBC ATM, the outstanding balance will be transferred to your OCBC bank account. The ez-link facility on your current card is unaffected, and can be used till the ez-link purse on your card expires.
Yes, you can still refund the balance following the steps in 5.
EZ-Reload will automatically be cancelled upon the expiry of your card. However, in order to prevent it from being triggered as you are trying to use up the outstanding balance in your ez-link purse, we advise that you call to deactivate the scheme. If you would like to continue using EZ-Reload on your other ez-link cards, you can reapply at