Information received from a whistleblower will be held in the strictest confidence, unless OCBC is compelled by law to disclose. OCBC will not treat any whistleblower negatively or prejudice against them.
OCBC Whistleblowing Programme

This programme aims to promote an honest, ethical and fair environment for our customers, employees and shareholders.
At OCBC, we are committed to the highest level of integrity and value high ethical standards. Policies under the OCBC Whistleblowing Programme are established to maintain a work environment that is honest, ethical and fair for our customers, employees and shareholders. When sufficient information is provided, a thorough and unbiased investigation will be carried out.
Integrity through independence
The whistleblowing portal is managed by an external vendor, KPMG, via the EthicsLine platform. This allows independent communication on fact finding and their reporting to the bank will be governed in a secured operating environment.
Protection for Whistleblowers

Providing Anonymity
A whistleblower can also choose to remain anonymous when making the report. All whistleblowing reports will be taken seriously and assessed, whether they are anonymous or not.
Visit the whistleblower platform to make a report.
The platform is managed by an external vendor, KPMG.