Which of the following age groups do you fall into?
Do you have a regular source of income?
On average, how much (in percentage) of your monthly income do you save?
Do you have any personal investments?
Do you intend to start investing in the next 12 months?
What is the annual average rate of return of your overall investments?
Which of the following best describes your investment risk appetite?
Do you have a regular source of passive income (e.g. rental income, dividends, interest income from bonds and fixed deposits, royalties)?
How much of your current monthly expenses can be covered by your passive income?
Do you intend to start building regular passive income in the next 12 months?
Do you have any unsecured debt (e.g. credit card debt, personal line of credit, education loan, renovation loan, etc.)?
What is your progress in paying off your unsecured debt?
What is your progress in paying off your loan(s) for the house that you are living in?
Which of the following best describes you?
Have you started making financial plans for your retirement?
When do you intend to start making financial plans for your retirement?
I know I will retire with enough money
I have accumulated at least 6 months of my current monthly salary for emergencies (e.g. sudden economic downturn that leads to a paycut, etc.)
If you were hospitalised, would you be able to cover your medical fees with insurance or your own funds (including your Medishield Life)?
If you were hospitalised, after you have been discharged, would you be able to cover subsequent medical fees with insurance or your own funds (including Medishield Life)?
Your Financial Wellness Index (FWI) Score
National FWI score: 0
OCBC Wealth Management experts’ score:
Your FWI score is in the -
How are you performing when it comes to saving, investing and retirement planning?
Retirement planning
*Scores are benchmarked against Financial Wellness Index 2024 results