The ABCD of Creating a Vibrant Software Engineering Culture
The ABCD of Creating a Vibrant Software Engineering Culture
At Group Regional Development Centre (RDC), we have assembled a team of passionate and committed software engineers who develop innovative and relevant software engineering solutions through rigorous research and development.
Integral to creating a vibrant community of engineers that serves as our competitive edge is RDC's ABCD framework:
Acquire high quality engineers
Identifying the right group of people is the start of establishing a strong engineering human capital. RDC partners with human resources, external agencies and academia around the region to identify talent. Our evidence-based hiring decision-making ensures that only the most suitable candidates with technical skills measured against RDC standards are interviewed. We then invite the selected candidates to a panel interview. We also have processes to reduce unconscious hiring biases. Even after hiring, we evaluate both the candidate’s and hiring manager’s satisfaction through monthly reviews and by assessing one-year turnover rate.

Build an engineering community and pipeline
Once hired (or acquired), we are not content to just keep individual engineers on the team, but we seek to create a thriving engineering community across the region. We operate an offshore development centre and a centre of excellence. We also partner academic institutions in Malaysia, China and other countries in the region to share our industry experiences and to help them incorporate real-world perspectives in their curriculum. We offer specialised in-house courses relevant to developers’ needs, which are built for engineers, by engineers. We give our community many job rotation opportunities and exposure to different business domains. All these work synergistically, leading to an engineering community that learns and grows together.

Cultivate an engineering culture
We take a step beyond simply building an engineering community by cultivating a strong engineering culture which is an integral part of the Bank. Conventional wisdom suggests that to build a career in engineering, one has to work within a traditional “engineering” environment. We debunk this myth by presenting OCBC Bank as a great place for engineers to start their careers, learn, grow and attain leadership positions through the engineering track. To create this vibrant community, we hold ongoing engagement activities, publish a RDC Newsletter, hold RDC Developer’s Days, organise fun activities and invite our community to “Kopi Time” interactions with RDC leadership. These keep us engaged as a community and help nurture a strong engineering culture.

Develop a learning community
Engineering is a dynamic field. One must keep learning to ensure long-term success. Hence, we create not only a strong engineering culture and community, but one that is continuously learning. We provide a plethora of in-house and externally developed training opportunities to maintain our winning edge. We encourage and promote “above and beyond” behaviour in the community by recognising top contributors through awards, spotlights, and recognitions.
“Although a bank may not be top-of-mind when considering a long-term career in engineering, our ABCD framework ensures you will be part of a vibrant and dynamic centre of excellence among the Bank’s community of engineers.”
- Mayda, Vice President, Regional Development Centre, Group Operations & Technology
Discover inspiring opportunities in RDC and build your engineering career in the Bank.