Velocity@ocbc (business internet banking)

Instantly unlock User ID or reset password online and more updates!

We are making business banking online easier and more convenient for you.
Check out our latest updates for Velocity@ocbc below!

Instantly Unlock User ID or Reset Password Online

Need to unlock your User ID or forgot your password and wish to reset to a new one immediately? Now you can do so instantly online through desktop or tablet, starting 25 April 2017.

  • Click on the 'Reset Password/Unlock User' hyperlink below the 'Password' field in the login page.
  • Select 'I remember my current password. I will use it to unlock my account' or 'I forgot my password. I wish to reset my password'.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to unlock your User ID or reset to a new password immediately!

To use the new service, you must

  • have a valid mobile number registered with Velocity@ocbc (for SMS OTP). If not, please register your mobile number by completing and mailing to us the Manage Velocity@ocbc Account Form.
  • have activated your Velocity@ocbc security token (for verification code).
  • have on-hand your Organisation ID and User ID.

New Payment Currencies


You can now send telegraphic transfers in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) online to another bank in Malaysia, from any account.

  • Enjoy extended submission cut-off time till 2pm for same-day processing.
  • Save S$5 on cable charges when you pay online.
  • Foreign exchange rate to be applied will be based on OCBC Malaysia rates, published on OCBC Malaysia website.

Login and select 'Transfer to a bank overseas' from the top menu bar to start sending your MYR payments!


Transfer Offshore Renminbi (CNH) from any account* to another bank or between accounts* in OCBC Singapore
*Excludes CNY account

  • Enjoy extended submission cut-off time till 2:30pm for outward telegraphic transfer for same-day processing.
  • Enjoy extended submission cut-off time till 6:00pm for transfers between accounts in OCBC Singapore.
  • Save S$5 on cable charges when you pay online.
  • No supporting documentation required.
  • Foreign exchange rate to be applied will be offshore Renminbi (CNH) rates, published on OCBC Singapore website.

Login and select from the top menu bar to make transfer via

  • 'Transfer to a bank overseas'
  • 'Transfer to a bank locally'
  • 'Transfer to an OCBC account'

For transfer to another bank locally or overseas, check guide on how the transfer should be made via Velocity@ocbc.

Login to Velocity@ocbc now for easier and more convenient online banking.