Review, change or sell your shares via OCBC Online Banking

Make changes on your plan

You may add, remove or change share counters, and adjust your monthly investment amount through a simple online form.

Sell your shares from BCIP

To sell, submit your request by 2:30pm on any business day.

The price at which you sell your shares will be at the Average Sale Price on the date of execution.

Important timelines to note


Inform us by

Effective by

To amend (monthly investment amount, or settlement account used for debiting & crediting in relation to BCIP) 9pm on the day preceding the 17th of each month

If the 17th is not a business day, the business day preceding the 17th
22nd of the current month
To amend (selection of new counters) 12pm on the last business day of each month 22nd of the next month
To sell 2.30pm on any business day Next business day

You will receive your funds within three business days from the date of execution
To stop monthly investment 9pm on the day preceding the 17th of each month

If the 17th is not a business day, the business day preceding the 17th
22nd of the current month

If the 22nd of the month happens to be on a non-business day, the amended instruction will take effect on the next business day.

The above illustrations of effective timelines apply to successful BCIP applications approved by OCBC Bank.